Package 'autoshiny'

Title: Automatic Transformation of an 'R' Function into a 'shiny' App
Description: Static code compilation of a 'shiny' app given an R function (into 'ui.R' and 'server.R' files or into a 'shiny' app object). See examples at <>.
Authors: Aleksander Rutkowski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Aleksander Rutkowski <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.0.3
Built: 2025-01-26 04:10:38 UTC

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An obligatory wrapper for file names (paths)


This function must be used

  • in the arguments of function fun (passed to makeApp or makeFiles) and/or

  • in the value returned by fun

to wrap the character string indicating a path respectively

  • to an input file ("consumed" by fun or

  • to an output file ("produced" by fun as a side effect).

Otherwise autoshiny cannot distinguish file paths from character strings.





A string, i.e. character vector of length 1, indicating a file path to an existing file.


x with an S3 class attribute "file".

Create a Shiny app (object or files) from an R function


Create a Shiny app (object or files) from an R function


makeApp(fun, withGoButton = FALSE)

makeFiles(fun, withGoButton = FALSE, directory)



A function (preferably a symbol – a long self-explanatory name – pointing to a pre-defined function object, rather than an anonymous function) with zero or more arguments/parameters. Every argument must have a default value, which will be used to define each argument's:

  • type/class,

  • allowed values,

  • pre-selected/start-up value.


Either TRUE or FALSE (default: FALSE). It indicates if the (re)evaluation of fun in the Shiny app should be immediately triggered by every change in the value of any argument/parameter (withGoButton = FALSE) or if the (re)calculation should be started only when a specific button is pressed (withGoButton = TRUE). The latter is preferred if the (re)evaluation of fun is significantly time-consuming or if fun has no arguments (because then, without the button, only refreshing the web page would trigger the (re)evaluation).


Path to a directory/folder where makeFiles should save the compiled server.R and ui.R files.



A Shiny app object as returned by as.shiny.appobj.


NULL. This function saves two plain text files: ui.R and server.R with the R code of function fun translated into a Shiny app. If these files need further manual changes, it is recommended that they are first re-formatted e.g. in RStudio (top menu -> Code -> Reformat Code or Ctrl+Shift+A) or programmatically (e.g.


## Not run: 

### Example 1: Trivial anonymous function
makeApp(function(x=1:3, y=5:9) x+y)

### Example 2: Nicer function and argument names
`Histogram for normal distribution` <-
    function(`Number of observations` =
             # as.integer => the argument interpreted as categorical:
        # Generic R plots as "return values" are supported:
        plot(hist(rnorm(`Number of observations`)))
makeApp(`Histogram for normal distribution`)

### Example 3: Data frame in (upload CSV), data frame out (displayed and downloadable as CSV)
`Table of sin and cos values` <-
    function(`Upload CSV file with column "x"` =
                 data.frame(x = seq(0, 2*pi, .25))) {
        dta <- `Upload CSV file with column "x"`
        data.frame(X = dta$x,
                   `Sin of X` = sin(dta$x),
                   `Cos of X` = cos(dta$x),
                   check.names = FALSE)
makeApp(`Table of sin and cos values`)

### Example 4: Arbitrary input and output files
`Excel file in and out` <-
    function(`Input Excel file` =
                 File('my_test_file.xlsx')) { # File() obligatory here! <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(`Input Excel file`)
        my.data2 <- within(,
                           z <- x + y)
        File('my_test_file_2.xlsx') # File() obligatory here too!
makeApp(`Excel file in and out`)

### Example 5: Using a button as a (re-)evaluation trigger
### Use this option if:
### - the evaluation of your functon takes time, so it should not be re-evaluated with every
###   minor change of the value of inputs/arguments/parameter;
### - the function is impure e.g. depends on some external data fetched internally and takes no
###   arguments/parameters -- in such a case the function would be re-evaluated only through
###   page refresh of the browser; the button is a faster and a more elegant solution.
`Get "GDP and main components" from Eurostat` <-
    function() {
        # Getting data from
        # ...
        # ... ?sort=1&file=data%2Fnama_10_gdp.tsv.gz
        x <- eurodata::importData('nama_10_gdp')
        head(x, 10)
makeApp(`Get "GDP and main components" from Eurostat`,
        withGoButton = TRUE)

### Example 6: Lists of inputs (arguments) and the output list (composite return value)
### are always decomposed
`A function with lists everywhere` <-
    function(`First argument group,` = list(`number one` = 1:3,
                                            `number two` = letters[1:3]),
             `2nd arg group,` = list(`1st argument` = 11:14,
                                     `second arg.` = LETTERS[1:5]))
        list(`Some text` =
                 as.character(c(`First argument group,`$`number two`,
                                `2nd arg group,`$`second arg.`)),
             `Some numbers` =
                 `First argument group,`$`number one` +
                 `2nd arg group,`$`1st argument`,
             `Even a ggplot2 chart` =
makeApp(`A function with lists everywhere`)

## End(Not run)